Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) is made by OnIn Limited Liability Company having its registered office at 3, Barabanny Pereulok, Floor 2, Office IV, Room 30, Moscow, 107023; Taxpayer ID (INN): 9719010999; Primary State Registration Number (OGRN): 1207700503669) (hereinafter referred to as the “Data Controller”) in accordance with the Federal Law as of 27 July 2007 No. 152-FZ On the Personal Data.

1. Terms and Definitions Used in This Policy

Website the website located at and its subdomains and administered by the Data Controller.


User a legally capable individual, a legal entity or a sole proprietor who uses the Website and has transferred their personal data to the Data Controller for processing.


Personal Data any information relating, directly or indirectly, to an identified or identifiable individual that the User provides when filling out forms on the Website.


Cookie File a small piece of data the Website sends to the User’s browser.


2. Consent to the Processing of Personal Data

2.1. The use of the Website by the User means unconditional consent to the Policy and Personal Data processing terms set forth herein. In the event that the User disagrees with these terms, such User should stop using the Website.

2.2. The User acting of their own free will and volition and in their own interest accepts the Policy and gives the Data Controller their consent to the processing of Personal Data by sending information using forms on the Website.

2.3. The User accepts the Policy and gives their consent to the processing of personal data by ticking the checkbox “By clicking the “Submit Application” button, I give my consent to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the terms of the Privacy Policy”.

3. Personal Data Processing Terms

3.1. The Data Controller processes the following general personal data of the User — given name, last name, e-mail.

The purpose of personal data processing is to process the User’s application for receiving the Data Controller’s services.

Personal data may be processed until the purpose of personal data processing is achieved or consent to processing is withdrawn.

3.2. The User’s Personal Data shall be maintained in confidence. The Personal Data is not publicly available and may be used solely for the purposes set forth herein.

3.3. The Personal Data may not be transferred to third parties without the consent of the User.

3.4. The Data Controller protects the User’s Personal Data in accordance with the requirements applicable to protection of such information using all necessary technical and administrative measures.

3.5. The User’s Personal Data is processed by automated tools, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (dissemination, submission, access), anonymization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

3.6. The Data Controller destructs the User’s Personal Data by deleting it from its databases when the purpose of personal data processing is achieved or when the User withdraws their consent to processing.

3.7. Given the specific way in which the information is obtained, the Data Controller neither validates the Personal Data provided by the User, nor exercises any control over its relevance. The Data Controller assumes that the User provides accurate Personal Data. Any and all responsibility and potential consequences for the provision of inaccurate or irrelevant Personal Data shall be borne by the User.

4. Information About Cookies

4.1. The Data Controller uses cookies to store information about the IP address, page visits, language preferences, specifications of the User’s equipment and software used to access the Website, page URLs and such other information. Cookies are not used to store any confidential information about the User, nor are they intended to identify the User. Any and all information collected by the Data Controller is anonymous.

4.2. The purposes for which the Data Controller uses cookies are as follows:

  • collecting User activity statistics;
  • increasing the Website performance and efficiency;
  • analyzing and correcting Website errors, improving all Website resources;
  • ensuring security and integrity of Website resources.

4.3. The User can turn cookies off in the browser settings (change the browser settings so that no cookies are installed by default). The User should, however, bear in mind that turning cookies off might result in inaccessibility of some Website parts requiring authorization.

5. Changes to the Privacy Policy

5.1. The Data Controller may change the Privacy Policy. When this Policy is changed, the date of the last update must be specified in the latest available version.

5.2. Changes to the Policy come into force on the next calendar day after the new version of the Privacy Policy is made available on the Website. In the event that the User disagrees with these changes, such User should stop using the Website.

5.3. The User may at any time withdraw their consent to the processing of personal data by sending e-mail to: detailing the last name, given name, e-mail of the User. The Data Controller stops processing the User’s Personal Data within thirty days of receipt of the said withdrawal.

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